
Archive for March, 2012


Or, rather, withered flowers that evoke the arachnidan shapes in which, strangely enough, I take great comfort.

If you wish, click to enlarge.

“I’ll tell you how the sun rose…”

“One ribbon at a time.”

-Emily Dickinson


Cherry blossom petals were already scattering.  Some fell straight down in  a spectacular blur of pink raindrops.  Others sailed like tiny clouds on the wind.  Eventually, they gathered in puddles at the sidewalk’s edge, drenched in the morning dew.

Experiments in Blossoming

The WP crunching is going to effect these images a bit, unfortunately.  The blossoms are intentionally blurred, but the crunching is going to overdo it most likely. The compression seems to take out more of the detail than shows on my own computer screen. Nonetheless, what I was aiming for is still “there.” As you know, you can click the photographs to enlarge.

Blossoms and Branches

I had very little opportunity to take photographs during my recent trip to D.C., but did not miss the chance to get some shots of the beautiful cherry blossoms. I find that the branches of the cherry trees are just as captivating as the blossoms (hence my experiments in the last few images with  post processing to create a more abstract image  that desaturates the blossoms and accentuates the branches.)

Skull of an Herbivore (We’re getting closer!)

I posted a photograph from the inside of this animal’s mouth the other day, and it has prompted some questions about the type of animal the teeth belong to.  Gary, who is a veterinarian and is the author of the wonderul blog, krikitarts, (check it out, his photographs are spectacular!)  has offered to try to identify the animal for me.  Thanks, Gary!

I should mention that I did not move the skull at all when I came upon it.  Someone else had placed it on the branches this way.

I’m sending this post out earlier than I usually do because I’m going to be out of town for the rest of the week (in D.C.) and won’t be able to post my daily photographs. I’ll be back next week, raring to go.  Thank  you to everyone for your support and wonderful feedback over the last couple of months. Your encouragement means so much to me.   I will really miss seeing everyone’s posts throughout the week, but will look forward to catching up next week.

Best wishes to all!


I think I’m cracking up

A Cracked Lamppost

Skull of an Unknown

I happened upon this skull as I was walking in the woods this week.  I’m not sure what animal it belongs to.  At first I thought a possum, but the teeth don’t match up (a full picture of the skull would show an elongated skull but,of course, you know me, I’m much more interested in the close ups).


A while back I experimented with some solar garden lights (here is the link to the post, titled Solar Revelation).  I was eager to go back and try again, and did the other day. I’ll say up front that I still need more practice; I wasn’t thrilled with the images that turned out.  I am still learning to deal with glare and reflection, etc.  But it is fun to keep trying; I have ideas for what I’m aiming for and see a lot of potential for these lights.  I’ll figure it out eventually.  I manipulated this image below in Lightroom.

A Farewell to Ice

As some of you may know (Steve, in particular, LOL), I have a deep fondness for ice.  I began this blog in January with LOTS of ice, and then held back for fear of seeming a bit repetitive, and, well, obsessive, which actually I am when it comes to photographic subjects, so we’ll all have to get used to that. 🙂

But spring is clearly upon us now, and I am far from the beloved pond in Maine where I had the freedom to indulge my ice obsession again and again and again. Now, my computer is stuffed to capacity, and I am off-loading LOTS of photographs (once again).  So here, I offer a few (okay, several) final frozen treasures before they melt into iomega memory.


These trees are actually reflections in grave markers in a cemetery.  I have photographed the backs of the headstones and the images you see are reflected in the spotted marble.   I know I can do better with this, but I was excited by the idea when I saw these reflections and so just took the shots.  I’m eager to try again on another day.

Fenced In

Two more perspectives on the garden wire fence from yesterday.

Spool of Light

I got carried away with some shots of  a very simple wound up wire garden fencing that I came across in a community garden.   I was out midday, so the sun was shining full blast and was lighting up the interior of this “spool” of fencing in a very interesting way.  There happened to be two long, slender leaves coming up the center of the fencing which added to the visual interest.
