
Posts tagged “Botanical

Dandelion seed

Lunaria #4

Through wall of the silicle …

Lunaria #2

A minuscule tear in the fragile membrane of the Lunaria pod silicle valve.

Lunaria # 1

This is the first in what will be a series of macros of Money Plant pods. This is actually a super closeup of what is happening on the inside of the pod, shot through the sheeny exterior of one of the tiny seeds. I took this using my iPhone 11 Pro, (which I am experimenting with more and more). I used my Xenvo macro attachment lens for my phone.

Fairy Fiesta


Decadent Wilt

Rule #2

“Rule 2: You reap exactly what you sow, that is, you cannot grow tulips from zucchini seeds.” Anne Lamott Small Victories

Like the mouth of some great African cat

The tulips should be behind bars like dangerous animals;   

They are opening like the mouth of some great African cat,   

And I am aware of my heart: it opens and closes

Its bowl of red blooms out of sheer love of me.

From “Tulips” by Sylvia Plath


What do you see… (in My Imaginary Garden)

“Everything you can imagine is real.” –Pablo Picasso


Roaring velvet

This is red.

“I will never know how you see red, and you will never know how I see red.”
Anne Carson Autobiography of Red

Since when…

“Since when,” he asked,
“Are the first line and last line of any poem
Where the poem begins and ends?” 
― Seamus Heaney, “The Fragment”


Moonlit Lovelies from my Imaginary Garden

Little Cloud Flower

These flowers, blossoming in snowy, cascading clusters on a neighbor’s fence, are smaller than a dime.